Chiropractic Health Plan of California (CHPC) was founded in 1986 as a chiropractic utilization review business, and has since grown into a full-service chiropractic benefit management company. CHPC offers contracted and credentialed chiropractic provider networks, utilization management and claims administration bundled as a package or provided separately, depending on the needs of your organization.
Besides the flexibility of providing our services on a custom-tailored basis, CHPC can save your benefit plan up to 73% on chiropractic expenses without sacrificing quality of care. We know that chiropractic benefits help maximize the health and productivity of your members, while reducing claims expenses in areas such as surgery, prescription drugs and physical therapy – all of which contribute to the success of your organization. So we go to great lengths to ensure that members receive appropriate and effective chiropractic treatment.*
ChiroSource, Inc. (CSI) was established in 1997 to take CHPC’s capabilities beyond our original California service area. Through CSI, self-insured groups, PPOs and health plans can access the same chiropractic benefit management services offered by CHPC throughout the United States.
The mission of both CHPC and CSI is to provide prompt, thorough and professionally superior service to our clients and their members.